9 Tips to Improve Your Concentration

9 Tips to Improve Your Concentration

Published by: IQ Test on: 11-05-2022

Maintaining concentration can be a challenge for some individuals, but there are many tips on how to facilitate the process.

With the busy lives we lead and the high demands to deliver more and better results, it's normal for focusing to become a challenge. Nevertheless, it's always important to remember that the brain is a muscle that relies on exercises and practice to develop new habits.

Discover here what you can do to achieve better concentration in your day-to-day activities.

1. Physical Activities Stimulate Concentration

Your brain can reap many benefits when you exercise the rest of your body, especially when it comes to enhancing concentration. Sports tire the body and relax the mind, allowing you to focus more on activities that involve reasoning.

Just 20 minutes of daily aerobic exercise can yield excellent results. How about going for a run before starting your study session?

2. Leisure Is Also Important

Excessive work or study can tire your brain significantly, causing your ability to concentrate to diminish. Therefore, it's essential to always seek moments of leisure at least once a day, putting important tasks aside to relax and have fun.

Reading a good book, playing video games or board games, and even doing the physical exercises mentioned earlier can be a good outlet.

Moreover, some games can serve as a way to train the brain while it rests. Even while having fun, a good game stimulates reasoning and memory, improving the outcomes of moments when you manage to concentrate.

3. Break Away from Routine

It's natural for us to seek a comfort zone and settle into routine to make our daily lives easier. However, this comfort can make your brain "lazy."

Simple activities like always taking the same route to work or school put your brain on autopilot. How many times have you caught yourself instinctively heading to one of these places when, in reality, you needed to go to another?

Changing routes, i.e., breaking away from what's already routine, is a good way to stimulate the cortex and hippocampus, parts of the brain responsible for cognition and processing new information.

Of course, it's not just about changing your driving route. There are many small things that can be altered, like getting dressed in the dark or memorizing your shopping list before leaving.

The less comfortable the tasks you perform, the more your brain forces itself to concentrate, and the more focus you gain in your day-to-day life.

4. Learn Something New

The concentration required to organize new information learned is a great way to train your brain for times when you need to concentrate on a task.

Learning something new is the perfect exercise for this purpose. It can be a new language, a musical instrument, or a sport. The planning and reasoning used to retain new information will greatly help improve your concentration, memory, and reasoning in your daily life.

5. Take Care of Your Mental Health

Quality of life is crucial for the proper functioning of the body, including the brain.

It's important to always find ways to reduce stress, avoid (or treat) anxiety and depression, steer clear of bad moods, and many other negative situations.

Despite seeing all these elements as negative feelings, they can often result from hormonal and chemical changes in the body.

This means that avoiding situations that generate stress or depression causes your brain to focus on releasing hormones more useful for your focus and concentration, rather than those that bring you down.

Here, it's important to remember that while you can seek ways to relax, through leisure and meditation moments, the assistance of a psychologist is essential. Some self-care is good, but professional guidance is the most effective.

6. Avoid Multitasking

Many people admire those who can do many things at once, leading us to have a very wrong impression that multitasking is a good thing.

Your brain is a muscle just like any other. Just as excess weight on a triceps makes it tire more quickly, tear, and unable to bear the weight, right? The same happens with your brain.

Multitasking ends up overloading the brain, causing it to tire more quickly. It becomes incapable of focusing on the tasks you're trying to accomplish and becomes too tired to keep working afterward.

When you have a task to perform, focus on it and only it. This way, your concentration is better utilized.

7. Meditation Is a Great Ally

Meditation is one of the best exercises to improve focus. This is because it directly affects the prefrontal cortex of the brain, the region responsible for concentration.

More than just stimulating the part of your brain responsible for concentration, meditation helps block external interferences, which are what often cause us to lose attention. The technique achieves this by reducing the activity of the parietal lobe.

Practitioners also attest to the significant effects on reducing stress and anxiety, as well as being a great way to take time for self-care, organize the day, and slow down.

8. Get Enough Sleep

Nothing compares to a good night's sleep when it comes to regulating the body and improving brain function. Concentration depends on being well-rested and having a brain ready to work the next day, so resting is essential.

A cup of tea or warm milk to relax the body, lying in bed at a reasonable hour, and sleeping for at least 6 hours are indispensable for a productive day.

9. Organize Your Activities

Concentration is much easier with goals. How about setting some?

Organizing a list of activities that need to be completed creates a plan to follow and removes the stress of deciding what to do, allowing you to focus more on execution.

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